Chat5th May 2024
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chatd Pricing, Features And Alternatives

chatd - chat with documents, locally
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Generated by ChatGPT

chatd - chat with documents, locally: Chatd is an incredible tool that allows you to talk to your documents! How cool is that? Once you download it on your Mac, you can request summaries and ask all sorts of questions about what's written. For example, you could use Chatd to get a summary of how the solar system came to be 4.6 billion years ago. The logo for Chatd represents how easy it is to extract and interact with text on your computer. No more tedious scrolling and searching - simply ask away in plain language and get the answers you need right at your fingertips!

chatd Use Cases - Ai Tools

chatd is your private and completely local AI that can read files on your computer

chatd Cost

chatd Pricing

Free: This software is completely free to use. There are no hidden costs or fees associated with it. You can access all of its features without having to pay anything. Simply visit the software's website and start using it today.

chatd was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on 5th May 2024
This AI Tool Is Not Verified By Our Team.

72 alternatives to chatd for Chat

Pros and Cons


– Chat with your documents
– Incredible tool for Mac users
– Request summaries and ask questions
– Easy extraction and interaction with text
– No more tedious scrolling and searching
– Plain language interface
– Private and completely local AI


– Requires download on Mac
– Limited to only Mac users
– Only works with text-based files
– May not be as accurate as other AI tools
– Limited to local files, cannot access online sources
– May not have the same capabilities as larger AI platforms
– Relies on plain language, may not understand complex questions
– No mobile or web version, must be used on Mac computer
– Limited to text interaction, cannot process images or other media
– May require updates or maintenance for optimal performance.